Saturday, August 19, 2006

Alba scandens aka white climbing flower

If I was a plant, I would be a jade plant.

No, I wouldn't. But what a concept. What if we were plants? An easy how-to guide for each plant would be right at our fingertips.

One of the books that makes it to my bedside most often is my Encyclopedia of Container Gardening. It was a steal in the Chapters bargain section for a mere $12.99.

The best section is a summary of each common container plant and its optimal gardening conditions.

What if I could produce a summary of myself in a similar manner? What if we were categorizeable? We could simply pass our profile on as a word of warning, or invitation?...

Here's what I would be if I was a plant.

Alba scandens

  • Description: This petite brunette grows to 5'3" and thrives outdoors for much of early life. Bring into city environment later in life when she has begun flowering. Her branches stretch as far as you'll let them, if encouraged, and will creep into any opportunity.

  • Light needs: Seems to be self-sufficient and independent, but needs warm glow of compliments and attention from time to time.

  • Best temperatures: Prefers cooler temperatures, but not frigid. Can tolerate warmth in small doses of hugs at appropriate times.

  • Water and food needs: Water often. Beef and high-quality cuts of farm steak must be consumed once every few months. Voracious eater, with an affinity for cucumbers, blueberries, and all things vinegary.

  • Growing guidelines: Most successful when given total responsibility over life, projects, etc.

  • Common problems: Tends to have stubborn episodes and suffers occasionally from 'I'm right'-itis.

  • Propagation: Possible to conceive, but has not conceived of that possibility yet.

  • Comments: Thrives under pressure, but is not immune to stress.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Arigatou, K-chan

thank you for the flourish of text about my blog, K. (check out her insightful blog Relishing the Fray)

I now feel the pressure to perform. Perhaps with a poem or two. about food, no less, or even better, the lack thereof.

funny how a fridge
full of food
looks empty on a ravenous stomach,
like nothing could possibly
garble itself together
into something presentable
quickly enough to feed it before
it simply wilts and hangs
in the belly of the beast

nocturnal in its crankiness

(don't you love how any sentence can become a poem? albeit not a very good one in this case, but i must go. supper awaits.)

Monday, August 14, 2006

My teenybopper years as a blogger

Pardon me for a second while I think of all the things I can't really say.


You know, I would almost rather ponder, mull around the ribbons of thought streaming in my head than write some inane post I can barely concentrate on.

That is the problem with this blog. If I were to truly let go, imagine the things you would read. Actually, I think one can get quite boring tossing ideas egocentrically onto paper. Often, they are but the same types of thoughts, shaped by a different set of circumstance. But doesn't that apply to everyone?

Yet, we read them, and hope for some revelation.

Sorry, am I getting too 'ponder-full' for this blog? Am I supposed to spin out everyday tales from my life story?


Well, one day (today) I had to cover another website instead of my own. I was not happy. And so I complained jokingly to everyone. Even though that was a silly, useless thing to do.

And then I ate an ill-tasting pasta salad for lunch. Now it is supper, and I'm cooking myself some fresh fettucini mixed with parmesan and boiling up some edamame.


Hmmm, on second thought, perhaps a mix of the reality bites and philosophical side anecdotes will do just fine.

Consider this my growth as a blogger. It requires a lot more measuring and self-censorship than a journal, yet provides for a much more entertaining read.
I should know. I have journals dating back to when I was 11 years old. And let me tell you, mostly it contains philosophical discussions of a hormonal nature, as in boys, boys, boys (not even leaving the teens stems the flow).

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to bring you a nice balance in the next blog. And perhaps even a colourful picture or two.