My teenybopper years as a blogger
Pardon me for a second while I think of all the things I can't really say.
You know, I would almost rather ponder, mull around the ribbons of thought streaming in my head than write some inane post I can barely concentrate on.
That is the problem with this blog. If I were to truly let go, imagine the things you would read. Actually, I think one can get quite boring tossing ideas egocentrically onto paper. Often, they are but the same types of thoughts, shaped by a different set of circumstance. But doesn't that apply to everyone?
Yet, we read them, and hope for some revelation.
Sorry, am I getting too 'ponder-full' for this blog? Am I supposed to spin out everyday tales from my life story?
Well, one day (today) I had to cover another website instead of my own. I was not happy. And so I complained jokingly to everyone. Even though that was a silly, useless thing to do.
And then I ate an ill-tasting pasta salad for lunch. Now it is supper, and I'm cooking myself some fresh fettucini mixed with parmesan and boiling up some edamame.
Hmmm, on second thought, perhaps a mix of the reality bites and philosophical side anecdotes will do just fine.
Consider this my growth as a blogger. It requires a lot more measuring and self-censorship than a journal, yet provides for a much more entertaining read.
I should know. I have journals dating back to when I was 11 years old. And let me tell you, mostly it contains philosophical discussions of a hormonal nature, as in boys, boys, boys (not even leaving the teens stems the flow).
Well, that's all for now. I'll try to bring you a nice balance in the next blog. And perhaps even a colourful picture or two.
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