sweaty, sweaty everywhere, and not a breeze to spare
From noon to 4 p.m., Torontonians were enduring a temperature of 40 degrees with the humidex. At 10 p.m. as I write this, it's at 37 with the humidex.
I'm glad I didn't look at those numbers until now. My cranky mood would have cranked up to unbearable at the smallest suggestion it was justified.
The hot weather was enough to prompt my sluggish ass out of my bachelor and onto the streets of Toronto in search of a curtain rod. I have the white translucent IKEA curtains, but no rods. No luck. My windows are abnormally large -- even more of a reason why I needed some friggin curtains.
I ended up haphazardly hanging them on jutting pieces from existing rods.
God, I wish I'd bought a fan instead though.
All I feel is sweat oozing from my body. I swear I can actually feel the sweat rising from my pores in waves. It's almost ticklish... but anytime I itch it or wipe it away, my hands goop to my body for a second, before sliding away.
I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight. There is no breeze. I am considering sleeping on my concrete cocoon of a balcony.
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