Where in the world?
My computer, lovingly named Ralphie after the Simpsons' character (not for their mutual social ineptitude but for my own amusement), is ill and dying a slow death. He is four years old.
J. dropped off his turqouise Toshiba laptop last night. I promptly set up the Internet. It's only for a week. And mostly because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday, and to be without a television or a computer is actually horrifying just in general, never mind when you're numb from novocaine.
Without my laptop (which I rely on as my stereo, DVD player, etc.) I might as well have been a hermit living on a hill for all my technological amenities. Thank god for the saving grace of my cell phone. Plugged it in to my speakers and listened to music and MP3s. Even checked e-mail on it from time to time.
Anyways, more on life in the slow lane at another time. I'm going outside to enjoy the warm autumn day.
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