Monday, October 09, 2006

Where in the world?

My computer, lovingly named Ralphie after the Simpsons' character (not for their mutual social ineptitude but for my own amusement), is ill and dying a slow death. He is four years old.

J. dropped off his turqouise Toshiba laptop last night. I promptly set up the Internet. It's only for a week. And mostly because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday, and to be without a television or a computer is actually horrifying just in general, never mind when you're numb from novocaine.

Without my laptop (which I rely on as my stereo, DVD player, etc.) I might as well have been a hermit living on a hill for all my technological amenities. Thank god for the saving grace of my cell phone. Plugged it in to my speakers and listened to music and MP3s. Even checked e-mail on it from time to time.

Anyways, more on life in the slow lane at another time. I'm going outside to enjoy the warm autumn day.


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